Friday, January 3, 2020

The Blessings Of A New Year

It was the last day of the family’s summer vacation on the lake. The parents sent their two sons outside to play while they cleaned up the house and packed the car for the long drive home.

About half an hour later, the father asked the mother to go find the kids and tell them it was almost time to go. As she went out, he started vacuuming the carpets.

About another half an hour passed and she still hadn’t returned with the kids. He walked out onto the deck to see what they might be up to. The three of them were in the lake splashing around and laughing. At this point, the father was becoming furious. While they were goofing around, he was left alone to take care of all the cleaning and packing. Didn’t they realize that they had to get on the road soon to avoid the traffic?

So he stormed down to the lake to give them a piece of his mind and march them back to the house to help him with the packing. However, when he got to the edge of the water, the two boys splashed him and got him soaking wet. Not even taking off his shoes, he went into the water and started splashing them back. All of a sudden, he forgot his foul mood and joined in on the fun. They had a ball rolling around in the lake, splashing each other, and laughing.  It turned out to be the best time they had together all week and a memory they would cherish for years to come.

On the drive home, the father could not help but laugh at himself. He was so worried about getting packed and on the road that he might have missed all the fun they had down by the lake. He wondered how many moments like those he must have missed because he was too preoccupied with other things to pay attention to all the blessings around him. A tear welled up in his eyes as he thought about how blessed he was to have a healthy family and to have the means to spend a week together at the lake. He promised himself that he would slow down and take more time to enjoy all the good things God had blessed him with.

Today, we begin the new year by slowing down, stepping away from our busy lives, and reflecting on all the blessings God has given us. We look back at all the good things that happened in 2019. Even during the difficult times, we may have had a sense that God was with us carrying us through it all and providing for us. As we look ahead to 2020, we might have feelings of anticipation and anxiety. Nonetheless, we begin this year offering it all up to God with the confidence that He will give us the strength to endure it all and to find blessing in even the smallest things.

In today’s first reading, God gives Moses a blessing to invoke on the people of Israel. It speaks to how generous our Heavenly Father is to us. He wants to bless and protect us. He is smiling down upon us with love and mercy. He is being gracious to us by providing for all our needs. He looks kindly upon us and gives us peace. Our Heavenly Father is a God of blessings. His blessings are all around us. However, we can only notice them if we take time to slow down and open our eyes to them.

The greatest blessing we have is the gift of faith. To believe in a God who is loving and kind gives our hearts much peace and joy. We believe that there is a purpose to the universe. We are not here by accident but we were loved into existence by an All-Powerful God. Ultimately, the world is not a cold, dark place that is bent on our destruction. Rather, it is a home that is given to us by our Heavenly Father. And this life is not just a meaningless exercise in survival. Rather, we are on a journey to a heavenly homeland. As Saint Paul tells us in today’s second reading, we are not slaves to dark forces beyond our control. Rather we are sons and daughters of God Most High - a God who loves us, who blesses us, and who carries us in His hands. Our faith gives us the confidence that all things will work out for our good if we put the will of our Heavenly Father before our own. Faith is the blessing we should always be slowing down to appreciate. It is a blessing we should also take time to cultivate through prayer and through frequent reception of the sacraments.

We begin this new year by celebrating the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title as Mother of God. Because Jesus is God and Mary is His mother, we rightfully call her “Mother of God”. She is also our mother because we have become brothers and sisters of Jesus through baptism. Also, Jesus Himself gave Mary to us to be our mother when He said from the cross, “Behold your mother.”

Mary is a great model of prayer for us. In the days leading up to Jesus’ birth, many things were happening around her. Though she was close to giving birth, she had to travel with Joseph all the way to Bethlehem. Once there, they couldn’t find anywhere to stay except a dirty stable. After giving birth to Jesus, they were visited by shepherds and later by wise men from the East. In the midst of all the chaos, Mary kept her focus on God. Rather than complain, she trusted. Saint Luke tells us that “Mary kept all these things reflecting on them in her heart.” We should do the same. No matter what is going on around us, no matter how hectic life gets, we should take time to reflect and ask ourselves where God is in the midst of it all. Then we will never miss out on all the blessings our Heavenly Father wants to shower us with.

As this new year begins, let us resolve to slow down, to take time to notice all the blessings around us. At every moment of every day, God is with us, providing for us, and blessing us. If we stay focused on Him, our lives will become richer and we will become a blessing in turn for the people around us.

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