Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Signs of Resurrection Are All Around Us


Sunday’s gospel tells the story of that first Easter morning.

Mary Magdalene discovers that Jesus is no longer in the tomb. Her first reaction isn’t joy. Rather, she feels confused and distressed. We hear the pain in her voice as she tells Peter, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him.

We will see this theme throughout the Easter Season. The signs of new life and resurrection are all around the disciples, but they cannot recognize it. They are too focused on their trauma and despair. In many cases, even when Jesus appears to them personally, they don’t know that it’s Him. They have to have it spelled out to them before they can understand and believe.

 The same is true for us. The signs of Jesus’ resurrection are all around us. It is in the Church He established which has endured despite violent persecution. It is in hearts that choose forgiveness and love over revenge and hate. It is in the progress we make through faith and grace to overcome our sinfulness and grow in holiness. It is in sinners who realize God’s mercy and embrace His love. Jesus is alive. He is present and active in our world. If we believe it, we will see it.

That is not to say that there is not much suffering in our world. It is all around us. But it is precisely in this that we make our faith known. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, we can say that suffering, sin, and death will not have the last word. Rather, all of history is building up to the day when God’s victory will be revealed. We are all on a journey to a bright and glorious future when we can say with Saint Paul, “I believe that the sufferings of the present are as nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us” (Rom 8:18). It has all been set in motion by Jesus Christ who is risen from the dead. 

 We are active participants in this victory. It is up to us to proclaim it to the world. It is up to us to live it in our homes and in our communities.

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