During his Last Supper with his apostles, Jesus made the case that we do indeed need one more Advocate and Counselor. It is the Spirit of Truth who is kept on retainer for us who love Jesus and obey His commands. The Spirit of God works pro bono to remind us of everything Jesus said and did. It is a Spirit that the world cannot see, but who makes a home in the heart of the believer.
Enlightened by this Spirit, we ourselves become advocates. Since the world cannot see this Spirit at work in us, we have to make it known by being ever ready to give witness to the hope we have. The school of the Spirit gives us competency to be tenacious in protecting the rights of society's weakest members and seeking justice for those routinely exploited. People, restless because of the injustices done to them, raise the human cry throughout the streets of the world every day. The Spirit we have received compels us to stand with them and be their advocates.
Jesus promised the apostles that He would not leave them orphaned. The Spirit - Advocate and Counselor - would make Jesus Himself present and active in the believer. To a world who cannot see Him, we make Jesus alive and active when we love Him and obey His words. God puts it in our power to assure those without power that they are not alone. They have an advocate and a counselor in the Spirit working through believers. And, we certainly need more of those!
Almighty Father,
Your Spirit at work in us
accomplishes infinitely more
than we can hope for or imagine.
May our "Yes" to your commands
lead us from complacency and self-indulgence
to a restlessness for equity and righteousness.
We ask this in the Spirit and through Christ our Lord.
(artist: Albrecht Durer)
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