Friday, January 26, 2024

Recalibrating My Life To God's Kingdom


What is Jesus asking of us when He calls us to “repent”? He is calling us to experience a transformation of our mind and heart. This transformation is an interior change which results in a change in our attitude and behavior. 

Why must we repent? Because there is a new reality on the scene. Because the Kingdom of God is now at hand with the preaching of Jesus, everything will have to change accordingly. Just as a couple has to adjust their lifestyle and priorities to accommodate the birth of their child, so we have to change our lifestyle and priorities to welcome the Kingdom of God into our midst. 

This change of mind and heart does not happen overnight. It is the work of a lifetime. Everyday we learn more and strive to align our attitudes and behavior to the love and mercy we experience in Jesus. Very often, we fail and have to allow God to pick us up and get us back on track. Until we draw our last breath, we will need to work on bringing our lives in line with the reality of God’s Kingdom operative in our world. 

Knowing this, we need to examine our priorities. If I live only for this world and its pleasures then I am living like someone who has no faith. If I am not willing to sacrifice my comfort to seek after goodness and virtue, then I really do not believe in the life of the world to come. If my faith in Jesus does not lead to a real change in the way I live, then I really do not have faith. No matter how many times I go to church, no matter how much I give to charity and no matter how nice I am to the people around me, if I am living for myself rather than for God then it will make no difference.

 Jesus came to earth to inaugurate the Kingdom of God - a Kingdom of love, justice and peace. Just as a family needs to change to adjust to the reality of a new baby, so we have to change to accommodate the presence of God in our midst. We must become loving, just and peaceful. All of us have fallen short but, thankfully, God is merciful. Let today be the day that we turn to Him with all our hearts, that we express sorrow for our sins and make a firm commitment to living the values of God’s Kingdom.

(Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash)

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