Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Light Shines Forth In the Darkness


Today is a great feast day for all Christians that sometimes gets overlooked because of all the ceremonies surrounding Christmas. The word “epiphany” means “revelation” or “shining forth”. The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, then, is the great feast when Jesus Christ is revealed not just as the Jewish Messiah but as the Light of the World who has come to save all people. So on this day, we are not just remembering the Magi who came from the East to find the King of the Jews. We are also celebrating the beautiful truth that there is no one who Jesus did not come to die for and to save, no matter what race, nationality, or religion they might have started out in. 

The Magi, then, represent all human beings who yearn for God and who seek Him with all their hearts.  They are meant to represent all the nations and peoples of the world coming forward to worship the newborn King of the Jews who is also the Savior of the World. They represent the plan of God to bring about peace by uniting women and men of every language and race through faith in Jesus Christ. The Magi are the first outside of Israel to be drawn to Christ and to bow down in homage to Him who came to save all peoples.

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