Jesus knew what hard work was all about. For most
of his life, he toiled as a carpenter building
and making repairs to homes. When there was not enough carpentry work,
he would have hired himself out as a day laborer in the fields harvesting grain
and olives. He knew what it was like to have to work under the hot sun. He knew
what it was like to have a bad day, to have someone yell at him because they
were not happy with his work or to have someone refuse to pay him. There were
probably many nights when he came home and wanted to just go straight to bed.
The hard work did not end, however, when he
decided to hang up his carpentry belt to preach the Kingdom of God. There were
many long days traveling from town to town, preaching to crowds and healing the
sick. People were always pressing in on him from all sides sometimes just to
get a look at the wonder worker from Galilee and other times to hopefully be
cured. As we see in today’s gospel, Jesus got little rest. But he kept pressing
forward, despite the difficulties, to do the will of his Heavenly Father.
Of course, his greatest work was that which he
accomplished on the cross, dying to save us. It was obviously very difficult,
but he endured it all out of love. And because of his great love, he turned what
would otherwise have been a great tragedy into a source of salvation and hope
for the whole world.
Work is an unavoidable part of the human
condition, and all work involves some drudgery as Job tells us in the first
reading. There are the sore muscles and fatigue that come from hard manual
labor. There is the stress and anxiety of trying to meet deadlines. There is
dealing with people who are often never happy no matter what we do. And there
is the frustration and feelings of failure that come from looking for work in a
challenging economy. Work whether it is in an office, in the home or in the
classroom is never easy.
However, as Christians, we look at work as more
than a way to earn a living. Through faith we understand that it is a way for
us to cooperate with God in transforming the world. God wants to use us and our
work to make the world a better place. So all of our work, no matter how menial
or insignificant it may seem, is a way of helping to build the Kingdom of God.
Consider this. All of us are wearing clothes made
by people we have never met. They got up early in the morning, took their
places at their sewing machines and got to work. It may not have occurred to
them that they were doing anything meaningful, but because of their work we have
clothing to keep us warm. All thanks to people we have never met. The same is
true of the cars we drive, the houses we live in and the food we eat. All of
those things which are so necessary for our well-being are the result of someone’s hard work.
The same is true for our work. Whatever we do, no
matter how trivial it may seem, it is doing someone an immense amount of good.
God is using it to make someone’s life better. We may never see it and we may
never be thanked for it, but it is real and we should take pride in it.
In today’s society, it is common for us to
separate our faith from our work. It is not always clear to us how our worship
on Sunday should transform our work on Monday. However, for believers, all
things are transformed by love. Just as by love Jesus transformed the cross
into a means of salvation, just so through love we transform our work from mere
drudgery into a means of holiness for us.
A cardinal tells the story of a time he was
walking through the streets of Rome on his way to the Vatican. A street sweeper
greeted him and asked, “Your Excellency, are you on your way to see the Pope?”
The cardinal answered, “Yes.” The man then continued, “I’m sure you will be
making many important decisions today. But if I sweep these streets with love,
it will be equally important in the eyes of God.” And the cardinal replied, “It
certainly will be.”
When our work is difficult, when it seems
demeaning, when we feel as though we cannot go on, we should offer it all up to
God in love. When we feel overwhelmed, when people are pressing us to do more
and more, when we are too tired to even think straight, we can give it all to
our Heavenly Father and ask Him to help us. By offering it all up for the love
of God and for the conversion of sinners, we can transform our work into a
means of salvation for ourselves and for the world.
When we bring our love for God into the workplace
it will also have a transforming effect on the people we work with. They will
notice how we complain less than others, how we avoid gossip and backstabbing
and how peaceful we are even under stress. They will wonder what is different
about us and ask us about the joy we have. Then we can witness to them about
the love of God which changes all things.
Jesus promises that he will make all things work
for good for those who will love and follow him. That means that he will use
our work, no matter how tedious it may seem, to do good for the world. If we
embrace it with love, it can transform us and our world. All we have to do is
take our faith to work with us on Monday and let God take care of the rest.
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